Saturday 29 June 2013

We tried a bit of Indian cooking today

The gobi manchuri wasn't much like gobi manchuri but it was really tasty.  The Dhal looks like runny dog poo, the saghu we threw straight in the bin after this photo.  The poori were the best and Tidge made those from scratch.

1 comment:

Chutters said...

Saghu to rhyme with dog-poo, Tidge. Well done on the poori. I hope you will come to Kelleth and cook an Indian banquet for us when you get back. We went to a hog roast last night and got eaten alive by midges while devouring enormous buns full of pork. The do was full of locals and we felt very brave going. Much love from Chutters, Jake, Bear and Clara who is at school so she doesn't know she is sending you love. xxxx